Our Performance

The Association reports annually to the Scottish Housing Regulator on our performance in relation to the Scottish Social Housing Charter (SSHC) by submitting an Annual Return on the Charter (ARC). The Scottish Government’s introduced a Scottish Social Housing Charter in April 2012 and has been subject to review every five years.  The latest Charter was Introduced in November 2022.
The Charter sets out the standards and outcomes that customers can expect from social landlords in terms of the quality and value for money of the services they receive, the standard of their homes, and opportunities for communication and participation in the decisions that affect them.
The Scottish Social Housing Charter can be viewed here.

Areas of Performance we Measure

We measure our performance in many areas including:
• How we communicate and participate with our customers
• The quality of our housing and maintenance service
• How well we maintain our neighbourhood
• The quality of information that we provide to customers
• Value for money in respect of rents and service charges
• How well we manage complaints
By visiting http://www.housingregulator.gov.scot you can see how Yoker Housing Association Limited is performing compared to others along with more information about us.

Annual Performance Report
As well as completing the Annual Return on the Charter, the Association is also required to report its performance to tenants and other service users each year. The Association's Performance Reports can be viewed and downloaded by clicking the links below:

The information contained within these reports will be developed in the future and in response to feedback from tenants other services users.  If you have any comments or feedback on the following please advise the Association so that these can be taken into account in future reports:
  • Is the layout of the report good?
  • Does the report contain the right kind of information?
  • Is there any other information that you would like to see included?

Scottish Housing Regulator Landlord Report
The Scottish Housing Regulator previously used information provided by landlords within their ARC return to publish annual reports for all landlords.  These reports compared the Association's performance in key areas against the Scottish average. The Association's Landlord Reports can be viewed and downloaded by clicking the links below: 

Annual Assurance Statement

The Association is required to submit an Annual Assurance Statement to the Scottish Housing Regulator. The Assurance Statement is a method for the Management Committee to declare that they are assured that the Association complies with regulatory requirements set out within the Regulators Regulatory Framework.

It is the Management Committee's view that the Association is meeting both its obligations in relation to tenant and resident safety and the regulatory requirements set out in Chapter 3 of the Scottish Housing Regulator's Regulatory Framework.

The Association's Annual Assurance Statement can be viewed and downloaded by clicking the link below:

File Description File Size
Annual Assurance Statement 2024 PDF icon 334KB
Annual Assurance Statement 2023 PDF icon 124KB
Annual Assurance Statement 2022 PDF icon 115KB
Annual Assurance Statement 2021 PDF icon 114KB
Annual Assurance Statement 2020 PDF icon 29KB
Annual Assurance Statement 2019 PDF icon 32KB