Electrical Safety

The Association carries our regular electrical inspections and tests because electrical installations deteriorate due to issues such as damage, wear and tear, corrosion, excessive electrical leading and ageing. Electricity is a major cause of fires and can cause injuries such as electrical shocks and burns.
To keep you safe, the Association:
• Carries out an electrical safety check on your home every five years and promptly undertakes any works identified during these inspections.
• Carries out an electrical safety check in communal areas every five years and promptly undertakes any works identified during these inspections.
• Carries out an electrical safety check after major works on your home (this includes a kitchen, bathroom or heating replacement).
• Carries out an electrical safety check when properties become empty and undertake any necessary works before the property is re-let.
• Maintains a register of all electrical checks carried out to ensure the effective management and monitoring of the electrical safety process.

To keep yourself safe, you should:
• Ensure you give access for all electrical safety checks.
• Do not overload power circuits with multiple extensions cables.
• Do not carry out any electrical works yourself.
• Switch on chargers when they are not in in use and check them for overheating.

A copy of the Association's Electrical Safety Policy is available here.